Celebration: Music Director’s Final Worship
The community of Lutheran Campus Ministry at CSU has had a long tradition of a using variety of worship settings (the Lutheran Book of Worship, Gather, The Chicago Folk Mass). It has also had a tradition of creating worship forms that served the community in their worship of God. (e.g. St. Thomas Celebration).
In addition to being published in This Far By Faith, Worship DVD (AugsburgFortress), Chalice Praise (Chalice Press), and Upper Room Worshipbook(Abingdon) Eulberg has continued this tradition by creating several liturgical settings of music in use in worship at St. Thomas Chapel during his tenure:
St. Thomas Blessing & Praise was commissioned by LCM in 1998.
Christ Is Our Peace (2002)
Advent Chorale Service (using Dulcimer-Friendly Worship, Vol I: the season of Advent)
We Have This Treasure (2006)
Hope for the Future (2008)
Sophia’s Dance (2009)
Anam Cara (Celtic Worship) (2010)
An Evangelical Lutheran Worship Setting (using selections of liturgical settings from the ELW.)
Several World Music Celebrations.
Several of these worship settings are in ecumenical use at congregations, camps and retreat settings across the USA and Canada, testimony to how the gifts of Campus Ministry continue enrich the entire church.
(this post originally appeared on the lcmcsu.org website)