It is a relaxing day as we prepare for the concert. Marilyn and I share about our families and compare experiences of mid-life with its many challenges and blessings. She tells me about Trochenbrod, the ancestral home on her mother’s side in what was Poland, then USSR and is now Ukraine. Or, rather, if the Nazis had not murdered its’ inhabitants, burned every building and filled in all the wells, that is where it would be. But she and Charlie were part of a pilgrimage last summer to visit the place that memories will not allow to be forgotten. That trip was actually to be an active part of the documentary that has been filmed and is awaiting further investment and support to be finished and distributed. (View the trailer here: After the concert, Charlie sings me the song that our friend, Joe Jencks has written for the film, based on Marilyn’s research.....

Charlie's son, Jeremy, is setting up equipment to make the archival recording I requested.
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